zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call or whatapp  0836364011

 zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call or Whatsapp 0836364011

zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whats app Now  0836364011

Zama Safe Abortion Clinic Durban kzn Call or What-app 

+27 836364011

zama Abortion Clinic in Durban Call +27836364011

zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whatsapp Now +27 0836364011

Who can choose medical termination..?

zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whats app Now 


You must be at least 18 years old. You may choose the termination if you are less than 20 weeks pregnant from the first day of your last period. When should I use the medical termination tablet and Where"'? From 1 week of pregnancy and beyond,,inform us and we will deliver to you with all instructions (NB: Confidentiality is also considered for our clients). We also offer 24 hr phone support. After The Termination Has Been Carried Out,,,, After the Termination of pregnancy, you are required to get another set of tablets for recovery OR cleaning of your womb.

Call our help line for further understanding

How does the medical termination work..?

Our doctor gives you medicine tablet to take in the office or home and 3 to 4 hours later you will use a second medicine, tablet, at home as a suppository. In combination the drugs cause a miscarriage.
medicine tablet makes the uterus contract and empty causing a miscarriage

zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whats app Now 0836364011

Safe AbortionSafe abortion/Terminating your pregnancy (abortion) is your legal right.Safe Abortion Clinic offers safe abortions for unwanted pregnancies for up to 20 weeks. Our nurses and doctors are accredited professionals and experts in reproductive healthcare. Our work is strictly governed by the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act and we adhere to World Health Organisation Guidelines

Safe Abortions: Procedures zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whats app Now 


zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whats app Now +27 836364011

zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call or what-app 


But all these medicines are very successful in termination of pregnancy.



Safe abortion/Terminating your pregnancy (abortion) is your legal right.Safe Abortion Clinic offers safe abortions for unwanted pregnancies for up to 20 weeks. Our nurses and doctors are accredited professionals and experts in reproductive healthcare. Our work is strictly governed by the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act and we adhere to World Health Organisation Guidelines

Safe Abortions: Procedures

Safe Abortion Clinic  offers two types of safe abortion procedures:

  • The Medical Process (often called the safe abortion pill)
  • Same-day surgical procedure)

We provide a friendly, safe, professional and comfortable environment for women who have decided to have an abortion procedure. We are proud of our reputation for treating each patient with distinctive care and the utmost respect. Because of this, we receive many referrals from doctors, hospitals, and clinics across the tri-state area. We offer same-day appointments Tuesday through Saturday and Sunday.

What is abortion pills? zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whats app Now +27 83 534 1307


We also Deliver Abortion Pills To all ladies those who would Prefer to have home termination at their Own Privacy around Durban and kwazulu natal as Quick as possible to Areas Around: Bluff , Glenwood , Mayville , Morningside ,Essenwood, Greyville, Bonela, Clare Hills, Overport , Sydenham , Windermere , Yellowwood Park, Durban North , KwaMashu, Newlands East, Newlands West, Reservoir Hills, Mount Edgecombe , Phoenix , Hillcrest , Kloof , Westville , Amanzimtoti, Chatsworth , Clermont, Isipingo , Umlazi, La-Lucia, Mursgrave , Berea, Tongaat, Dolphin Coast, Athlone, Verulam.

As a Women's Abortion Clinic in durban we focus on providing safe termination pills, womb cleaning & termination of pregnancy pills in South Africa and other parts of the world. We are one of the best Women's Clinic using medical termination pills 


zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whatsapp Now 


zama Abortion Clinic specializes in medical abortion using recommended medications to terminate pregnancies. The use of the termination pills to terminate pregnancy is less intrusive and you will experience the minimum amount of pain as compared to surgical abortion. 

zama Abortion Clinics in Durban Call Or Whats app Now  


Termination of Pregnancy

The combined work experience of the professional staff is well over a decade in the field of women's health. We believe all women deserve excellent health care, regardless of their ability to pay. We work hard to ensure that each client feels comfortable and safe using her voice to direct the care she receives. today.Vist our abortion clinic

Zama Abortion Clinics south Africa call or whats-app Pain free Abortion Clinics Call/Whats-app